Aren't A-Body 8 3/4" axles supposed to be in demand?

I do remember reading about those.
Don't those have to be modified by shortening one side ?

If you get them out of exploders yes, if you get them out of rangers, no

Even the explorer 8.8 is only 59.625” wide, which is narrower than a 68-70 B-body rear (60.125”) and only just wider than a 65-67 B-body 8 3/4 (59.5”).

Shortening them is easy anyway, they have an offset center so all you do shorten the long side to match the short side and install two of the short side axles. I forget what that width works out to be, it’s a little narrower than an A-body 8 3/4 if I remember right.

If I didn’t have a pile of 8 3/4 housings I’d look into the 8.8, but I pulled a few C-body 8 3/4’s at the local yards for cheap so I’d shorten one of those first. I’ve got 8 3/4’s in everything, so I’m setting them all up the same so I have a few extra 3rd members to change gearing.