Holley/Demon Carb stumble

Skimming back, the problem you mentioned is on the 1-2 shift. I don't have the experience here to suggest one thing or another.

I noticed the 750 DP main bodies you showed are equiped with downleg boosters. I forget who, but someone mentioned these can be difficult to get started. You would think not 'cause in general they have higher signal. But at low flow they can be bitchy. I'm finding that seems to be true on the secondary side of the carb I'm working with now.

Something else you mentioned earlier. Losing track.
Get a set of micro drills (80-61) and a regualr number set.
use those as a cheap pin gages (shank side in holes).

Write or type a spreadsheet for each carb.
Something like this:
upload_2019-7-31_11-30-21.png upload_2019-7-31_11-30-58.png

Throttle position is turns in on the screw. The amount turned in is cross referenced to amount of t-slot exposure on another part of the sheet.