LED brake light bulbs .

No. Most of the "LED bulbs" on the market, including all of them offered for vehicle exterior lights by SuperBrightLeds, are fraudulent trinkets.

AND, separately, there is no legitimate LED bulb that will work effectively and safely in the front turn signal of a '67 Dart. It's not impossible for such a bulb to exist, there just isn't one on the market. If Philips had ever made an amber version of the one linked for brake lights, it would work perfectly in applications like this. But they never did, and sadly never will (they're discontinuing that design in favour of two lower-performance designs that are cheaper for them to make, and aren't compatible with fresnel optics).

AND, also separately, there's something the matter with the sockets in 67gt's car—perhaps a previous owner did a hackaѕѕed "repair" with incorrect sockets, or perhaps the original sockets are faulty; repair info is here.
They haven’t been hacked and I can buy the normal type globe from rock auto , I purchased a box of ten due to them being odd and cannot source them here in Aus. When I get home from work I will take a photo of the globe.