Urgh...what are the chances !

I left Winnipeg in 2013 due in part to the overly high taxation and cost of living, thanks in no small part to the NDP regime. I sold my last motorcycle in '06 when the annual basic insurance premium at MPI became more than the bike was worth. I owned a 1984 Mustang GT convertible when I left there, annual insurance premium on it was $927.00, after a 25% discount was applied for a good driving record. Insurance and registration on that car in southern Alberta was under $500.00 a year. Yet MPI insists that their rates are among the lowest in the country. I call bullshit. In twenty years of no claims, annual coverage on my 1970 Dart had climbed from around $200.00 to over $600.00, without additional coverage for appraised value.
Don't even get me started on the winters and 3 weeks of 25 below, 2 plus foot tall windrows left by snowplows behind my garage, crumbling roads, etc. I have been back a few times, and when I compare life there to what I enjoy here, I only wish I had left much sooner than I did.