When do we get old

I feel extremely lucky and privileged with good genes. I’m 62, both parents still alive, although Dad is not so good.
I’ve always been active, even playing in a coed soccer league up until a couple years ago (quit to save my knees).
Two kids, who are 30 and 28, and I want to show them that you can be “young”, even in your sixties.
And God bless my my wife, who is a year older than me. She goes to the health club and works out like a mad man.
Still counting my blessings and hoping to live a good more years.
"good genes"...have been told by almost every doc I see that they play a large part in our aging process. Don't know whether to believe them or not.
Truly hope that the surgeon that will be working on my back was telling me the truth....she told me that as long as the rest of me is not to badly tore up that I will be able to get off of the pain meds. I really feel that being on the Dopioids is playing a large part of my general well being. I am simply exhausted. My eyes are bloodshot most of the time. I hope that she is right...I would really like to return to my old self...I miss me....