Big *** Spider

I find spiders utterly fascinating. They've been on this planet for millions of years. Need a home? Shoot one out of your ***. Connect to that waving leaf. Connect to that tree. Connect to that house siding. How to connect? Shoot a little out your *** to catch the wind and fly over. Engineer a web, using stuff out of your ***, which is an engineering marvel...stronger than steel. Also, adjust the tensile strength and thickness based on where you are on the web. Oh, by the way, this web not only has to withstand all of the points it connects to moving, it has to catch flying objects, and not break...sensitive enough you can feel it on the other side of of this web, run over, and wrap your food up for another day. Also, this web has to withstand 30 MPH winds. By the way, you'll have to find a way to survive -10 degree weather for a few weeks, and below freezing for 4 months, and keep your species alive. Also, even though you kill most pests that humans hate, and that spread disease (mosquitoes, flies) they will despise you. Good luck!
I don't kill any of these marvels if I can help it.