Question for those who have had carpal tunnel surgery

were the symptoms tingly fingers and hands 'falling asleep"at night, then the feeling of pin pricks? I've lived with that for 10 years now.

Yes, but see below....
I had mine done in '09. Due again but will put it off until I can afford it.

All, be aware, it's not that your hands go to sleep. The carpal tunnel nerve affect thumb, index, and middle fingers.

The ulnar nerve (aka funny bone nerve in your elbow) controls pinkie and ring. If those are going numb, you're probably in for a real ***** of a surgery.

This is very true. It is the median nerve that is dealt with during carpal tunnel surgery.
Slideshow: Visual Guide to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This is my hand after the surgery...the first time....hand.jpg

A guy I worked with needed the ulnar nerve surgery. Pretty sure he was cut from above the elbow to just about mid forearm. My rehab was a month or so. His was closer to 9 or 10 months. And he hurt like a sumovabeech....

I may be wrong here...but one of the tests for carpal tunnel is to see if you can touch your thumb and pinky together. I could, after the surgery. I can not anymore. But I have pseudo gout in my hands, which may be part of the reason.