Camshaft Identification


Joshua Suehs

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
Reaction score
Antigo. Wisconsin
hey all,

I bought my 1973 dart swinger about a year ago and the engine was a built 360. It was built before I bought it but unfortunately I cannot chase down the exact cam they put in it. I know it is a big purple cam and it has a Holley 650 and a edelbrock performer intake.

My question is, how much do I have to take off to get to the stamped I’d number? Would it be on the end of the camshaft or the top of it? I would assume that would be the difference from removing the water pump vs the intake. I’m trying to figure it out to get the best ignition timing as it seems to not find the sweet spot right now. Thanks in advance for any replies!
All of it. You will probably have to pull the cam. Lol Serious. And some cams aren't marked. Really, what difference does it make?
All of it. You will probably have to pull the cam. Lol Serious. And some cams aren't marked. Really, what difference does it make?

Bummer... the car idles great but when put into gear lopes super low and sometimes stalls. I was hoping to find the ID number so that I could get the exacts timing for idle and 3000rpm and hoped that would sure things up.
Try setting the idle at about 900 to 1000 rpm with the car in drive (assuming it is a auto trans) that how we did it way back when
I think if you could ascertain the lift, that would go a long way to figuring the cam number, if it is really a "purple shaft" cam. If it is an hydraulic cam, you'll need a real long travel indicator to reach down in there and set the tip off of the edge of the lifter. If you aren't able to do that then you'll have to pull the intake manifold to get to the lifter.
I made a tool to fit the top of the push rod and measured the lift that way

Cam lift measuring tool.JPG
Sounds like you need a higher stall converter. Easier to choose the right one if you know the cam but you should be able to figure that out just by running the engine. Stick around and the discussion will go that way.
I just had a cam Cam Doctor'd.....gave me every spec. If you can get it done it's worth it.
Cam doctor sbc.jpg
in addition to the above lift test run a compression test and do a stall test and report back
more than one way to skin a cat
and do you know if the cam was degreed in or just dot to dot
most likely can ID a MP cam by lift on both intake and exhaust
Bummer... the car idles great but when put into gear lopes super low and sometimes stalls. I was hoping to find the ID number so that I could get the exacts timing for idle and 3000rpm and hoped that would sure things up.

Probably needs more initial timing. Super common tuning mistake.
Set my initial timing at 19-20 and the idle still chugs once in fear. It also bogs down when I slow throttle out of idle. Tomorrow I am going to tickle the initial timing all around and see if that cleans anything up. My hei dist has vacuum advance. Could that be causing any of these issues? Also, it feels like I am getting some detonation when I am around 3000 rpms. Any suggestions.
When setting initial timing, you should plug the advance until you get it into a more driveable range, the advance will help power in the mid to upper. Also if you undo the advance and the low end is better ie it doesn't stall out that could mean that your advance is coming in too early. Also make sure you're running proper fuel for the set up
When setting initial timing, you should plug the advance until you get it into a more driveable range, the advance will help power in the mid to upper. Also if you undo the advance and the low end is better ie it doesn't stall out that could mean that your advance is coming in too early. Also make sure you're running proper fuel for the set up
this .
plug the vac adv at carb, then set timing etc..
Does a cam lift report indicate if the cam has been degreed?
You degree the cam when assembling the engine... guarantees the timing marks and timing set are correct or tells you where to set it to make it right. The Cam Doctor simple tells you to what specs the cam was ground. The rest is up to the installer.