8 3/4" 3rd member re-gear/rebuild

I know I don't need a depth tool but it would make things much faster. I've done gear swaps before but it was with OE used gears so you could read the number on the pinion head and just swap shims to make the difference and it was a "once and done" deal, got the pinion depth right on the first try. I think I'll give the Ratech tool a shot, it's only $30 and the more I've read up on how to use it the more I like it. I've seen discussions (arguments lol) on here about how measuring pinion depth off the carrier bearing cap mating surface is inaccurate, well this tool actually goes off the bearing saddle itself. You place it on top of the pinion head and measure the distance between the tab and bottom of the bearing saddle and compare that to a set value and the depth number written on the new pinion from the manufacturer.

I definitely won't be getting one of the cheap pinion depth measurement kits (Proform, etc.), reviews about those are horrible. And the only other option is the $400+ kit from T&D Machine, no thanks.

Tomorrow I'll probably hit up Harbor Freight for a bearing separator tool for my Harbor Freight hydraulic press lol

Sounds like you're well on your way. On the bearing splitter - you may have to grind the edge of the two halves to get under the bearing more easily. I know I had to on mine. Let us know how it all works out!

You also have to be careful about chipping the back side of the pinion gear teeth with those splitters if you tighten them up too much.
If I wasn't trying to save the bearing I used to cut the cage off and use an oxy/acet torch and heat one small spot in the center of the inner race red and smack it a couple of times with a punch.
They would slide right off after.