Got me a 1978 Dodge Street Van to pimp out!

Damn I was a kid back in the 70s. I saw the custom van craze thru a kids eyes. I built van models had gull wing doors on em, and put custom interiors in them with "shag carpeting" back then lol. Wanted a 2WD 77 tradesman 200 so bad. Longer than the 100 model to give you some roominess but not as long as the long assed B300 maxivan. Used to look thru JC Whitney catalog all the time at all the cool van accessories. Especially the fender flare kits, tube grilles, porthole windows, and zoomie exhausts, dreaming about what a custom van would look like in my eyes.

There used to be a cool van picture maker toy from Tomy back then. Called Little Van Goes I think. You would put different templates in the picture maker and it had a bunch of different plates you fit together to make different dodge vans. Kinda like a design your own van thing. I played with that forever. May need to get another one off Ebay for my son and I to play with.


