Anyone Ever Deal With Gout

seafood eh; the kind without "fins and scales"? The bottom-feeding clean-up crew? that eat all the poisons we continuously dump into the seas? I gave up that kind of seafood in 1993.
You know, by intelligent design, our bodies disassemble nearly everything we eat, and reassemble some of the components into structural parts of our bodies. It doesn't do this perfectly however, and 70 or 80 years is our allotted lifespan. Sometimes our bodies get ahold of some renegade DNA and incorporates it into our structures, and that is trouble right then. There is only one natural way to get rid of that junk; cut it out. But this is not always successful.
There is however, a supernatural way........

Well there is nothing safe to eat anymore! I have always taken the stance that the more poison and dirt one may eat in smalls, builds up the resistance. It worked for 50 + years but failing now!