Stop in for a cup of coffee

Had the Duster out for a short drive this morning. First time since Carlisle. Thought I would have the AC charged and get a few miles on it this Summer. But then my buddy with the vac pump and gauge set busted up his foot... So anyway I am 5 minutes from the house and I pull in to a yard sale - it starts to rain. :wtf: They had a small drill press advertised, but it was gone already. Didn't have nuthin I wanted, so I start back down the road and 2 deer run in front of me. :wtf:again. Time to complete my mission (beer run) and get her home. I did see there is a small car show right up the street from me at Federated Auto Parts. Rain is supposed to clear soon,
Hopefully they stick it out, and maybe I can check em out before work.