Wear you PPE!!!

working with a grinder shaping a tool, something kicked up under my safety glasses and lodged into my right eye. I knew it was trouble when I could not blink to even move it let alone remove it. Had wife drive me to the optometrist and I walked in holding my printed macro lens pic I took of my eye with a digital camera, " I need this out! Can you help?" She looked at the pic and said "wow, nice pic!" She gave me a sedative eye drop and used a Q-tip to wipe up with a back-rolling motion to snag the shard and remove it. Instant relief! Charged me $40 for the office visit, best $40 I spent.
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That's why I wear safety goggles when doing the wire brushing... I had a similar experience with a chip from a die grinder when I was young.... Got a chip stuck in my eye and had to go to the first aid center near me to get it removed...