13:1 Compression Pistons in 340 Small Block

Very good point on the e85... I'd put e85 and 12.5 SCR roughly on par with 93 gas and 10 SCR.

The e85 idea ought to tempered with the OP's availability. Not as hard to find around bigger cities, along interstates and in the cornbelt. Not the case here, I have 1 station within a 30 mile radius and 5 stations within a 70 mile radius. It goes to 0 stations if you head west into the mountains of VA and WV. And in the Rockies, it is 100-200 between stations in most areas. Not a good choice for a higher consumption rate fuel and a not-great-fuel-mileage engine to start with.

I dunno exactly where in OH the OP lives to see; in the southern part of OH, e85 availability looks darned poor.