66 Dart gas Gauge

Just wanted to update this post. First let me say thanks to all of you that threw information out to me on this task.
As I said in an earlier post I had already grounded the tank to the body, also grounded the sending unit wire with no success. I had also verified that the wire from the tank to the kick panel connector was good.
So today I finally got around to more testing. First, I didnt want to remove the dash because I have my tach mounting into the steering column so I would have to remove that as well as I knew that one of the dash screws (upper right hand corner) was behind the center heating panel so that would need to be removed as well. As it turns out I couldnt see **** from the under side so I had to remove that stuff. Damn that makes the job so much harder. SO off comes that stuff and I remove the dash. Now the dash is laying on the floor and its time to test things.
So I remove the limiter and using a battery tender I apply power to the middle terminal, a ground to the long terminal then take my volt meter and find I have fluctuating current on the end terminal. That was a good thing! (What I still dont know is why the condenser connected to this circuit?)
As I study this board I decide to clean the terminals on the limiter. Then again using the battery tender I apply power to the 2nd terminal on the pic below as well as ground to the 1st terminal. I then checked the 3rd terminal of the limiter for power and found a pulsating voltage. Again a good thing!
Below is a pic of the underside of the limiter. You can see I did a quick clean of the terminals. I did go back and do a better job! You can also see that condensor that I spoke of earlier goes into the middle power feed terminal. (I cleaned it as well)20190818_172524.jpg
All put back together below and the 2 nuts are the gas gauge terminals. I tested the one on the right and found I had fluctuating power so I went and grounded the first nut/prong. Checked the gauge and it went to full. When I take the ground away it goes to empty. So I know the gauge works!!20190818_172551.jpg
Of course I ran out of time at that point so tomorrow I will check the wiring from the kick panel connector to the gauge. I believe that I probably had a bad connection at the limiter but I need to test the rest of the circuit before putting it all back together.
Again, I couldnt trouble shoot this circuitry without all the help from you guys here. Thank You All!!
Looks like I should be able to get a working fuel gauge sometime this week!
Again thanks,