Holley/Demon Carb stumble

1 minute and 55 seconds. Regulator was slipping some gas back into the return so no apples to apples comparison there.
still I'm putting a check mark in that column!!!

I missed this on the first read.
Why are you putting a check mark in that column?
It’s a fail.

Is shows your system pressure would fall from the pre-set 9psi, which means the floats drop as well.

The system pressure should set to a number 1/2 to 1 psi lower than what the system can maintain for your power level(unless it will maintain more than enough pressure, then set it to where you want).

You should see what pressure your system can maintain while being able to pump a gallon in just under 85 seconds, and set the regulator just below that number.

115 seconds for one gallon, at 8psi....... means your system will support about 375hp, and not lose pressure.

If you’re only making 375hp, it’s fine..... but at 500hp, the floats are dropping.

If you do the test with the regulator set for higher pressure(11-12ish), and the 9psi test is better than 85 seconds....... then I’d say leaving the regulator at 9psi would be okay.

Re-read it again...... did you mean one gallon in 115 seconds....... or first gallon 60 seconds, 2nd gallon 55 seconds?
If the latter...... disregard this post...... and keep the check mark ;)