Stop in for a cup of coffee

Cat will remember that and eventually get back at the dog lol.

On the contrary with my dogs (Dalmatians)...

My ex used to have a 'few' cats and they would take some cheap shots at my Dalmatians with their front paws... She would laugh... I would tell her that they shouldn't do that as Dalmatians will get even... Maybe not right away, but they will settle the score when the time is right...

One day we came home to find gray cat fur all over the upstairs hallway, then the bathroom was in shambles... The kleenex box that we kept on the top tank of the toilet was knocked off, more gray fur all over the bathroom floor, and some pee in the tub... The Dalmatian(s) apparently chased one the cats around the bathroom and gave it a good shot in the tub and it peed a little... I told her that is why I warned her about encouraging the cats to take cheap shots on the dogs... THE DALMATIAN JUST GOT EVEN....

I believe that it was my female Dalmatian that took care of business as she was the dominant alpha dog and the male was more of the follower and more laid back...

I could also tell the female to "Get the kitty" and she would chase the cat(s) to the basement and she would stop at the top of the basement stairs...