A question about etiquette ...What to expect for a day of helping people?

It doesn’t matter if it’s a Hemi Charger or a Pinto you’re helping out on. The job I volunteered to help out with, based on how long it would take, would indicate whether the person should make his washroom available and provide water. If it’s just changing a flat tire then I wouldn’t expect anything but a thank you as that’s only a 10 minute job. Anything on top of that would be a bonus. If it was installing an engine, then a washroom, water and snacks would be a minimum as that takes several hours. Anything on top of that would be a bonus. If I needed the help, I’d proactively tell the people I’ve asked to help that I’d provide pizza or something if it would span a meal time or was close to one.

What it boils down to is I’m the one who said yes to volunteer my time after being asked to help out. I could have said no. I also can’t expect the person asking to be a mind reader thinking he should know I’d like a drink and a washroom and perhaps food if it’s a lengthy job. If I’m disappointed after helping out, then I know next time to say no to the person.

Live and learn. Everyone doesn’t think the same.