A question about etiquette ...What to expect for a day of helping people?

if you have no aptitude then you really should should be able to show gratitude
I did. That is me with the reddish hair.
Another thing....
I never even liked this guy. I felt sorry for him. He joined the Mopar club and immediately began asking for help, advice, etc. It seemed that at every turn, whatever advice he asked was questioned and compared to something else that he read online. Many members turned away and stopped talking to him. Being the forgiving type, I put my frustrations aside and helped him. I liked the car, he lived close and I felt sorry for him.
There are some people that you know that have some redeeming quality that makes it worth your time to talk with them. The more that I stand back and look from afar, this guy gives nothing to the club but instead is always take take take.
I have had this thing where I worry about time running out. I'm healthy but getting old and feeble freaks me out. THIS guy looks like what may likely happen to me....Older, weaker and less able. Maybe I saw this guy and felt like he needed help like I will need one day.
Regardless, I didn't "expect" anything from the guy BUT it was on my way home when I realized that he got a heck of a deal. It is no wonder that he barely speaks with his kids, he has NO friends other than people he uses from the car club....He isn't the kind of guy that has friends...
karma goes both ways..... remember that :thumbsup: