A question about etiquette ...What to expect for a day of helping people?

This reminds me of a neighbor I used to have, I was working 12 hrs a day back then just to have Saturdays off. My next door neighbor would ride over on his 4 wheeler and get me out of bed real early asking for help, he had surgery for cancer and I was glad to help him, he had a hired hand to help him on his farm who he paid and he made it a habit to get me up on Saturday mornings to help, usually moving antique funurtiure around he would sell something and have me come and help his hired hand move it. He started getting real bossy and particular with me and he never offered me anything but I was still glad to help because I felt bad for him having cancer and all. He came and got me one morning and his water line had busted under his blacktop drive, he didn't want to dig the blacktop up so he had his hired hand dig a hole on each side at the water line and was running copper line through the plastic line that had busted. He had me driving the line through while his hand held a piece of wood against it. He started yelling easy don't bend it and I was trying to be careful, well the line bent and he cussed me, I got mad but didn't say anything and just walked off and went home without a thank you or nothing. He came over a few weeks later and I told my wife to tell him I was busy and didn't have time. I guess he got the point after that because he quit coming over. I don't know if I handled it right or not, he died about a year later from the cancer, I guess all we can do is pray for the sick and elderly sometimes maybe their not in the right mind.

You were being taken advantage of --------