A question about etiquette ...What to expect for a day of helping people?

At the very least, cold beer in the fridge, your choice or soda, or coffee. And the grill hot, and throw steaks, brats, chicken.. something. I'd be damn well chasing the tools you need. Also be offering any skills I had back to you.
I'm not one to ask for physical help.. advice, hell yeah I'll ask that.
I always tell anyone that if you help me for a fair amount of time on my car, I have no problem you taking for a day, or weekend. I like doing stuff on my own though, so I don't have many on that list.
I haven't read through every post on here, but I saw one that I was thinking.. this guy is going to trailer this car to a car show two or three times a year and brag about how he did it all himself. Nice car? Yeah, it will be.
I want a car that I DID do everything on, and be proud of it.. yeah, it's not 'period correct'.. whatever guy.. I have fun in my car.