A question about etiquette ...What to expect for a day of helping people?

Over the years ive put up a few rules for helping people out
1, we do it at my house. I had a friend ask me once to help do his brakes, and he assured me he had all the tools I needed, and he sure did IF I WAS BUILDING A BIRDHOUSE.
not a single mechanic's tool to be found, no sockets, no wrenches, not even a crescent
I learned from that one

2 if I'm in charge, I'm the ONLY ONE in charge
A few years ago I had given a used car to my brother in law, simply because i had bought the wife a nicer, newer mopar
Wasn't anything wrong with the old car, we just didnt need it anymore.
My brother in law asked me if I didnt mind doing all the maintenance on it. I said sure, but if I find out someone else is touching this car, it's his problem and I'm out.

One day he tells me the car is running rough and can I take a look at it. Sure, no problem. So I pop the hood and notice something. You see, i always buy spark plug wires at auto zone, with a life time warranty and i KNOW i had done plugs and wires on that car before.
So I open the hood, see the two mismatched plug wires, closed the hood and went back inside.
You knew the rules, you broke the rules, have the greasemonkey that put those junkyard wires on fix it

When I closed that had, was the last time I ever touched that car.

But its not all bad
I was helping a friends friend out one day
She had hit who knows what and had some front end damage (on her car, her front end looked just fine)
A few hours into it her kid comes out and brings me a sandwich, chicken on whitebread... and I'm up to my elbows in grease

Didnt matter, it still tastes fine