test a transmission out of the car?

I love automatics; I eat, drink, and sleep automatic transmissions. They can be programmed to react faster than the human mind and deliver what you need before you even know you need it.

Apparently, the only driving you do is on the dragstrip.I have never seen a hydraulic controlled automatic ever leave a stop light in 1st unless its told to do so,I have never seen an automatic downshift for an upcoming low speed turn.I have never seen an automatic stay in the right gear for driving in snow unless its told.Automatics have alot of "lag" between when you press the throttle and when the car actually moves.Not a problem on the dragstrip but when you need extra power in a turn to get pointed the correct way its a big problem,its also a big problem when in town some moron is about to crash into your car and you need more power RIGHT GOD DAMN NOW to avoid them.An automatic can only react to situations, it can never predict them.It is ALWAYS faster to preempt something than to react to it. The only thing automatics are good at is allowing the driver to be more distracted and complacent. If everyone drove a manual transmission most driving problems today could be solved.It is damn near impossible to text while driving in a manual vehicle, same with eating,or all of the other countless dumbfawk distracted driving people do instead of actually driving.A manual teaches you to be a better driver because shifting alot in stop and go traffic sucks. Instead of rushing forward and then slamming on your brakes then rushing forward,etc, a manual teaches you to just roll through at an average speed.Which also happens to ease congestion because everytime someone brakes heavily you can see a "wave" of brakelights that will continue long after you have left.