Luckily I never shared hand-me-downs within the immediate family because my only sibling was my sister that was 13 years older than me! But I did have cousins close to my age and wore hand-me-downs from them. I also remember a number of times shoe life was extended with cardboard insoles so I didn't wear out socks because of the holes in the bottom of our shoes. Although I didn't fully realize it at the time, there were some very lean years after my dad unexpectedly died when I was 7 years old.

Thought I was the only kid who ever used cardboard in his shoe's :). My Dad died in an accident when I was 14, Mom took to running around and drinking so there was never any money . Teacher at school offered to buy a pair for me. I was too embarrassed and told him my mom was taking me to the store after school. Somehow she scraped enough together to get me a cheap pair. I think the tough times made me who I am now.