After 3 year of complete rebuild- it’s alignment day!

Joe, your project has been on my radar for a while. I don’t know if you have a rebuild link or not, but would love to see where you started and how you got to the finished project.
Clifftt- no links just a lot of photos in my phone. Lol! So far 200miles in my “shake down weekend.” Car s running good I just have to keep backing off the idle as the engine loosens up it idles higher. She’s had about 100 pictures taken of it everywhere I park it. No idea where to dump the photos to share. BUT I do have a list of where not to buy parts from and what parts to rebuild vs. buying new because I’ve found the new is garbage. If you know where to do a “build page” let me know. I’m open to I just don’t like to brag. Thanks! Joe