After market pulleys..

I was wondering about putting an aftermarket pulley setup on my small block. I just run the water pump and alternator. I was hoping that having a geared one would stop any slipping.
I was wondering which sets people were using and what problems they were having or had installing? Also I'm curious on changing the alternator pulley? Maybe slipping is a good thing sometimes so things don't get broke? Anyways thank you for your time and experience..
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That is one nice set up. I could never get mine to stop slipping and coming off I tried everything. even a deep groove over size pulley on the alt.. I got sick of buying belts. By the time I noticed it was gone It was to late. I could not tell You how many different brands I tried. The total length was 17.5 inches . it would never make it to second gear. I eventually put a alternator shut off relay on it. I believe the alternator was to hard on it.