Ever collide with a deer?

I hit a deer on my KLR 650 one night on the way home from work. Stupid thing must have been trying to commit suicide, just jumped out of the ditch before I could do anything. I was slowing down to make a turn and had a six pack of beer between my legs, corona bottles in a sack. I hit it dead in the center but stayed up and came to a stop. My front fender was gone but otherwise the bike was OK. I looked down and somehow one of the beers somehow got out of the sack and stayed with me, all the rest was in a broken pile in the road. The next day I saw the deer in the ditch dead a little ways away from where it all happened. I was amazed at how many things went through my head in the fraction of a second between the time I saw the stupid deer and when I hit it, it was like time slowed down.
The deer had a KLR650 go through his mind LOL