Help Me Cool Down

It doesn't matter. If the fan is close enough to the radiator and pump speed is correct then the shroud really gets in the way (just like the fan) at MPH above about 10-15 MPH. It's not that complicated. The shroud is a fix for the fan being too far from the radiator. That's all. It ain't magic.

I see what you mean. Forward speed overcomes the fan. My fan sits 1” from the radiator. I know that a fan or propeller works by reducing the air pressure in front of it and atmosphere then flows from high to low. So without a shroud it will still drop pressure from the surrounding area. I’m also at altitude so I have 1/5 less pressure and that harms radiator efficiency as well. I’m not sure if it will help my heat rise at idle unless I remove the shroud and get a big fan.

This is what I’m working with and the crank pulley. The small cap screw locks down the ignition wheel from rotating.
