Pieces of steel in cylinder??

Crank bearings can be had all the way to .060. A lot of people will scream about it, but stack .060 up on a feeler gauge. It ain't "THAT MUCH". Especially on what will be a mild build like yours. I'd do it in a minute.

BUT.......all THAT said, since you HAVE a crank, what I would do in THAT case is just get a crank kit. It will be ready to go with bearings and all and probably be about the same cost as turning the one you have.

I'm not sure I follow. You mentioned a crank kit, but they come with cranks, right?

Debur and polish the .040 crank just as it is and put the new .040 bearings back in. You don't have a bunch of lines cut into the crank, it will polish up and give you the .002 oil film barrier you need to run it.

Crankshafts are tough as long as they are not scored, burned, or gouged.

As Crazy as it sounds I would take a shot at saving those .040 pistons too. Debur the top outter crown above the top ring groove, pick out any hardened steel fragments and get rid if any high spots. Clean all the ring grooves and see what you got.

As one of my mentors told me, go ahead and try

Find a new or used set of .040 pistons, can put them in too.

I'm going to talk to the machinist and ask his opinion on just polishing instead of grinding. You're right, the surfaces are just about glass smooth. I'm not sure about saving the pistons, I've got it torn down this far so I don't think I want to chance it. Especially as a beginner.

Righty Tighty, how does the camshaft look, can probably reuse that too with a new set of lifters on it if it is not gouged up or one lobe going flat.

Did you like the way it ran, performed and idled with that cam, your original grind ? If so run her again.

Of course everything needs a good final inspection to make sure it will run out properly for you.

The camshaft was still in when I dropped it off at the shop, but what I could see looked good. My dad agreed. I loved how it performed, maybe would've liked just a tad more power. But I think the 4bbl and intake I'm dropping in might do it?