Help Me Cool Down

An old wives tale from a mopar performance recommendation. In the direct connection manual and the Mopar performance updated Manual. 1" hole in a plate. When my rad. tubes were blown up went down to a 5/8 and it did make a difference at idle with a CSR electric pump. My wifes tail felt the same.

The manual is wrong. I have to run a thermostat. If I don't, it won't get any temp in it.

Think about it. The longer the coolant stays in the block, the HOTTER it gets. If the radiator can't get rid of the heat, adding more heat only makes it worse.

Again, it's an ignorant old wives tale that coolant needs to stay in the radiator longer. The book is wrong.

Come to think of it, I can't think of a Chrysler book I have that says to keep the coolant in the radiator longer. It's just wrong and doesn't make sense. Just like multi pass radiators.