Power is back on

Hurricane Dorian blew through this area on Saturday night. Although there is very little damage right around me there is quite a bit to my east. Our power was out for 25 hours but that was not a big deal as I have a generator. QWKSLVR and Jimjimjimmy were not so lucky. QWKSLVR lives in Shediac, New Brunswick and Jimjimjimmy lives in Murry River, PEI. Both of those areas got hit hard. Many boats sank in both locations. Luckily Jimjimjimmy's was not one of the boats that hit the bottom. He is in Orlando on vacation with his family right now so we know he is safe. Just an update to let everybody know why nobody from this part of the world was posting all weekend.


The generators are becoming almost nessecary , I had an outage that liker 4 hrs. , being " 2 weeks long ", back after the big ice storm we had a few yrs. back .