67 Dart 'gunsight' fender top trim

It is the trim package that cones with the GT as best as I know. My guess i that people have removed their trim as a personal choice. What about molding clips etc? there is a company who has reproduced the clips needed for the top trip you are looking for.

('67 Dart GT side trim clips available again....) pricey but if you don't have them you don't have them! OEM had a small o-ring on the part that goes through the fender as a moisture seal. are your fenders doors and quarter panels OEM GT (ie. do they have all the proper holes for the trim?)

Rocker molding and clips are going to be your hardest part to find in my experience, two years and I have seen 3 come up.

If your brake handle is cracked I may have 1 extra I would part with, they come up once in a while, 67 is unique not the same as 68 and newer.

If your radio bezzel is still in the car and you decide to remove it... there are 2 small screws behind the dash on the heater controls that MUST be removed or you will brake off the two mounting posts and the bezel will have to be reattached with some other means.

Check with @HemiSSDart He might have some of the trim you are looking for.