Another TQ question

Now that was a fucked up post and a fucked up thing to say. So much assumption with baseless accusations and finger pointing like a little grade school mean girl club president.

Bill, when I’m actually anger with you, you’ll know. And it’s not now.

I’m not angry.

But you are insulting. Which is a back drop to yourself having a personal Dilemma yourself. You accuse others (and ones trying to help you) of your own issues.

See a shrink. Put down the carb for a while.

rumblefish360, you really need to figure out why you're so angry. Giving angry responses to questions doesn't persuade anyone. That is the opposite of persuasion. You obviously have something going on in your personal life that is making you angry, and you should figure out what it is rather than taking it out in your fellow FABO members.