Stop in for a cup of coffee

You are right to be a little suspicious of Dan having his biases, he does.
Toolmanmike is correct that Dan is a lighting consultant, in other words he has been paid to make presumably unbiased recommendations based on engineering data. He's not an engineer but he uses the data, so there is some overlap.
Virgil is also a lighting consultant, with more years and professional experience in the field. But slightly different focus in what he does.

I don't know what happened to Dan, but without going into the details, I can't blame you for not wanting to ask him. But he is knowledgable and it is possible to filter the advice that is irrelevant to you. IMO only you know your drving conditions and personal preferences.
That is why I provided some alternatives to asking advice, or buying through him.

You have my complete sympathies on the LED.
I don't like the totally non-period look of the LED lamps, or the 'artifacts' in the lighting pattern of even the better lamps (Trucklite and JWS).
That doesn't even begin to get into the mods needed for installation, be it markers or headlights.
Of course I went out of the way to buy new old stock yellow painted 1034A bulbs for the front of my car. So that's where I'm coming from. :)
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Got 'em from Stern back before he got to posting on forums.

slantsixman is a fine guy, and I have no issues with his preference. But, since I have the issue with blueish light, it is not much to do about it. It basically works like this, you and me in your garage, you have a cardboard box with the bottom covered with nuts, bolts, washers, pipe wrenches, combination wrenches, screwdrivers, some parts, points, rotors, oil pressure sender, whatever, but in no order, and you are under the car, and say Bill, can you give me the 1/2" UNC nut in the box. And I have a blueish LED light only to find the nut. After a while you will ask, what takes you so long. I simply can not make one thing from another in the box. All look the same to me. And that is a horrible feeling in traffic when you need to see well and fast.
