A quiet compressor?

OP might want to look at the Eastman Scroll compressor. It is very quiet - about the same volume level of a window air conditioner - and it does not run continuously as with some types of rotary/industrial compressors. It's not inexpensive, but it is in the price range of leading 60 - 80 gal. 220V compressors, and provides similar performance in terms of real-world CFM output. It is also rated for continuous duty, which is a real plus - no need to stop your work and give the compressor a chance to catch up or cool down.

I opted for it because I have limited garage space, and live in an urban environment where placing a compressor outside my garage - even in an enclosure - would attract unwanted attention. I've had it for three months, and I am very happy with it so far.

Eastwood Elite QST-30/60 Scroll Portable Air Compressor