68 Dart 4 door. Passenger side doors inoperable.

I tried to do some searching but only found threads where the doors couldn't be opened from either inside or outside, not both

I've been slowly going over the car after getting it home and trying to come up with a list of thing that need to be tackled first. Upon going over the outside of the car I realized I couldn't open both passenger side doors from the outside. I figured the must be locked and moved on. Once I got in the car the doors seem to be unlocked, but still won't open from inside or outside. Both lock rods seem up be up, however when you push them down there is some binding and they don't seem to actually lock or unlock. Both inside handles seem to have little to no friction on them like they aren't trying to actually open the latch.

Not really wanting to have to try and take the door panels off from the inside with the doors shut but at this point I'm not sure how to try and get the doors open. Any help or ideas is greatly appreciated.