While At The Junkyard

:mob:- We want pictures, We want pictures, lol lol:popcorn:

If I hadn’t left my phone at home - Grrrr - I would have had pics. I promise I’ll have them next time!

Wow, a junkyard that has stuff that old? None around here....

I saw an old DeSoto - around mid to later 40’s it looked like. There’s probably more older ones.

Sweet! :thumbsup: Maybe get the motor mounts if you can. :)

Good idea! I’ll add them to the list I started.

I know where a couple are but they are old and overgrown. Definitely have to wait for cooler weather. Snakes don't bother me but I'm too old to outrun wasps anymore. :eek::D

This place is definitely overgrown. Am definitely itely going to wait till it gets cooler!

I’m too old for all of it....

I’m gonna be 74 in October - never too old!