Dart dies when hot???

Drain the front bowl and see what comes out.

But my thoughts are on the MSD/Accell coil partnership.
The MSD is a CDI system that outputs about 525volts into the coil.
That Accell coil, AFAIK, is a low voltage coil, wanting 8 volts running input.
I kindof think yur cooking the coil, below the Multi-strike cut-off point of around 3000 rpm.
CDI systems usually want E-Core coils, which are designed for the 500volt input and are able to deal with the multi-strike.
Think about this, that MSD, in multi-strike mode, can strike,IIRC, up to 20 sparks per cylinder, times 4 cylinder per revolution..... at 2000rpm that adds up to 2000x8/2x20=160,000 sparks per minute, at 3000 the math is 240,000 sparks per minute; I think Mr.Accell coil needs a nap from time to time,lol.

If nothing else; that coil will want to be mounted horizontally, in a cool airstream,not on the engine, and with the connecting studs facing down

Edited the math