First time road racing at the track!

I would believe that a person with better road course skills would be a better driver on the street, maybe even be able to avoid accidents better due to an increased sense of vehicle control.

I sure felt that way on the drive home! I would say I now have a higher chance of swerving to avoid an accident instead of slamming on my brakes because I know how to swing the car around. Quick lane changes on the freeway are a lot less unsettling now.

The only thing you feel at the end of a drag strip is you trying to slow down a meteor coming into the atmosphere, at the end of track. When I raced 1/4 mile, I had drums and the whole car would shake when the brakes were applied. I had to pump the brakes so it didn't shake as bad between applies LOL and the wind coming through the rust hole on the floor was interesting.

This roundy poundy stuff look fun

I had the '73-up brakes on my car by the time I got the chance to go to a drag strip, I can't recommend them enough. My friend who recorded the video went for a ride on one of my runs and said he was impressed with the brakes, and he drives a modified 2000's Mazda Miata.