How Does This Guy Survive?

This response smacks of cultism and money.
To worship alone costs nothing but to worship within a congregation costs something every time. The ROOF needs repair, the pews need to be refinished, the grounds need maintenance, etc.

Cultism is harsh... This very site alone needs repair from time to time, it needs maintenance, needs to be updated... etc But it’s not cultish. It’s a group of likeminded people all at different places in life working toward a common goal. At the very core we as Christians are here to seek and to save that which is lost. Worshiping alone is ineffective and produces nothing for His kingdom. Much like building a car all alone with no resources! Likewise, the church is made up of likeminded people all at different places in life but working toward the same goal. It’s the way God laid it out to operate and it’s very effective when orchestrated properly. The problem is that man tends to mess things up repeatedly! We always have and always will but at the end of the day, the church is the body of Christ and one member cannot sustain life ALONE!! We must be a part of the body...