Pieces of steel in cylinder??

Originally I was going to reuse the cam, but since I have the motor completely apart, I’m going to replace just about everything. I’m still wondering what caused all this. Could it have been solely through overheating? Or is there another factor here?

Here is my observation again,.

Just like the pistons bottoming out against the broken valve seat chunks in the combustion chamber. With the force going down to the crank bearings, rotational force and extream downward pressure smeared the aluminum alloy crank bearings at the crankshaft.

Now same thing with the cam bearings, the valves that were trying to open were bottoming out against the broken seat debris in the combustion chamber, so the force was traveling back down the pushrods back to the cam and the extream high pressure and rotational force smeared the bottom halfs out of the cam bearings. All the force here was pushing down on the cam bearings, so the bottom half took the hit.

Have seen worn out cam bearings before from normal wear, and they are wore out all the way around 360 degrees, not just big gouges out of the bottom half like you have here.