Pieces of steel in cylinder??

I think righty tighy is doing very well, a quick learner and is taking good advice along the way and changing his game plan along the way as needed when it all makes sense to him.

He is a quick study and is getting things done. For someone who did not know much about engines to begin with.

We all have had to learn by doing, he will have a nice engine there when he gets done with it all.

I agree with MO in that he needs better help. The OP learns quick, takes advice and gets it done. But if his machine shop lets him make decisions like not at least verifying the big ends and checking the rods to see if their straight, he needs to find a better machine shop.

That's one reason I became the prick I am. Guys would come in, and either not know, or wouldn't spend the money on something and next thing you know, something goes sideways and it's the same old story...the machine shop cornholed me and it's all over the web.

So I just became a prick about stuff. I'd have never let the OP out of my shop without checking the rods closer. If he didn't want to do it, I'd give him his stuff back and hand him a sheet I made up of other local machine shops and tell him to go to one of them.

The sad thing in all of this is the OP is willing and able to do it right. That's pretty rare anymore. Sad he's not at a machine shop that is looking out for his long term engine needs and seems to be willing to take his money and send him off.