Bougainvillea One vs. Bougainvillea Two

Number one looks much healthier than number two. Could be the "microclimate" differences in the back yard (number two receives more sun exposure) or it could be number one often receives my "special liquid fertilizer". Or maybe a combination of both. Or perhaps they are different genetically (not the same variety). Anyway, the difference in greenery is dramatic.

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Ours in the front..We water 3 times a week between 10 and 20 minutes depending on the weather. I give it a shot of Miracle Grow once a month when I do our Hybiscus. They seem to like full sun because the one's in our complex that are shaded don't grow well. You sure #2 in a Bouganvilla.. Looks more like a Mexican Bird of Paradise, can't really tell for sure.
