Candy corn?

My wife has a candy corn problem.

She has been known to eat half a bag or more at one sitting (yet she's barely 115#).

She has asked me on more than one occasion to put portions of a bag in small containers and hide them from her, only to be brought out if she insists.

Should I wish to see her panic stricken, I only have to say "I think there's one more somewhere, but I can't remember where I put it".

To me, they just taste like colored sugar.
Your wife sounds like me!! I seriously ate an entire bag the other night watching tv my wife looks over at me and said you gonna eat the whole bag and I was like idk why? She was like well your almost there I looked down and it was like 10 pieces left I had just opened it haha. I love it I cant stop once i start. I have had probably about 7 bags already sence it came out in the beginning of August. Lol I know it's not healthy to consume that much sugar but it's so freaking good!