My Dart Swinger Project!

Hey dartfreak75 this is what I bought off evilbay. I plan on setting the rear in the car on these and bolting the u bolts down snug but loose enough I can rotate the axle in the perches. Center it up on the springs with an equal amount on either side and a 43" on center for the springs. Then im going to set torsion bars to normal ride height in the front as if it had an engine in it, and put the rear wheels in place. And set it on the ground. With the car level I am going to use my inclinometer and set the pinion angle 5° down from level, and tack weld the perches in place in 4 spots, then tighten the U bolts. They will get fully welded eventually, but this puts em where they need to be so i can roll the car around and do work on it, or push it outside for other projects.

To do what I am mentioning and get the pinion angle the way I am doing it, you need the car dead level on a cement pad.
