Homecoming weekend. They finally got us.

My kid is 17, a senior this year, he's into sports and stuff. We've been pretty good every year at staying up and chasing off kids trying to TP the house. They got us about 11:00 last night, not too bad.. we cleaned that one up pretty easy thinking 'ha, they won't see anything tomorrow!'. Wife stayed up until 1:30 watching.. these kids were determined, got us between 1:30 and 5:30. Wife spent an hour cleaning up TP all over, even on the Hastas. They also saran-wrapped the kids car.
The kid who got it over the top of the Catalpa tree has a good arm. :)
This is after cleanup. It's supposed to rain tonight so I'm not worried about it being there long.
I don't mind stuff like this.. think it's fun, actually, as long as it's not destructive. Spray paint or egg my house, we'll have an issue.
I've been picking up dog poop all day, and borrowed some from my neighbor to spread in strategic spots around the house for the dance tonight. Bring it on!
