A question about intakes

As to rockers, I believe they are.. will double check when I pick it up Sunday. Just looked at some pictures on line as to what non adjustable would look like and am now almost positive that they are adjustable

Slantsix64 I iplan to pour marvel mystery oil in the cylinders and let it sit then try to break it loose. I have had good luck with that. I had a Pontiac Engine I freed up that way and used PB blaster another time on a SB Chevy that was bad (cylinder full of water that stuck). I already have an inspection camera so I do plan to check to see extent of the issue before adding oil.

Plymouth 65 I have actually had good luck with this so far. Normally I would immediately tear into it but as it was completely rebuilt it may barely be stuck and a little lube might just clear it up. The Pontiac I freed up still showed great compression after I freed it up and I had to work it back and forth until I made a full revolution, then it was good. If it doesn't come free, I'm not concerned as I will just take it apart and see if the block can be saved or just keep the parts for another build or spares. I did good enough on the engine that the price I paid was close to just the value of the intake alone. Anything else I get is a Bonus