Said goodbye to my bud tonight.

I'm so sorry for your loss man! When I lost my first dog " Buddy" I swore I'd never get another dog I got him him when I was 16 he lived 14 years. I was 30 when he passed my wife and kids convinced me to get another puppy "for the kids" two years ago and I have a new best friend he is my side kick and does everything with me he is always by my side. Marshall the best friend a man can have. Now I have 6 dogs lol. Marshall got too big for an inside dog so we got a little miniature aussie for inside and then picked up a stray that just so happened to be pregnant. So now we have 6 lol I hope you can find another one to fill the void they leave when they pass they can never be replaced you but you can find joy with a new one.


