New tv’s and the permissions they ask for.

This paranoia, while true is entertaining.

Now imagine having phone calls cut off-disconnected because people listening to your phone call heard your family member ask you for classified information. All because uncle George asked how deep your submarine can go-and you and uncle George cannot call each other back for the rest of the day.

New tech or processes come out, and suddenly somebody with a high clearance sent money directly overseas to China which originally set off alarms and monitoring.

So now that you bought a chinese rubix cube (2004?) for your family member through PayPal through eBay, every other email you receive is duplicated and people you email ask you why you are sending duplicate emails.

You have echos on your phone calls(multiple effing phone calls), where you cannot hear your mother talking to you.

You report classified information on YouTube and YouTube is disabled for 30 minutes.

If the big gov wants you, they got you.
Commercially, that’s what I was complaining about (here on FABO) when I refused to share my phone number online-Ebay still got it without me.