When ur gone

Whats gonna happen to ur Mopar collection of cars and parts when u pass away? I have stuff I’m sure I’m never gonna get too. Many $ wise new parts also as well as old parts. I’m only asking this as a guy we know passed away and his wife was blown away with how much crap he collected (not a car guy). Didn’t know what it was worth. Didn’t know where to start. She just had a friend haul it to the dump. I was shocked. At least now she can park the car in the garage. What u say? Kim

I deal with this literally every day as an estate planning and probate attorney. It's so important to create a last will and testament, if not a revocable living trust. That way, you can ensure that your collection goes to who you intend it to, instead of leaving bewildered, non-car-enthusiast family members to figure it out.